Mutation Zone Report – November 2016

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The Mutation Zone was a themed zone funded by Wellcome. Thomas is responsible for regulating the use of GMOs in laboratories and for clinical trials, Sinead is an analytical science lecturer and cancer researcher and Sebastian, who was the winner in this zone, is a researcher trying to find out why some animals can heal and regrow their bodies after an injury better than we can. Monica works in a teaching hospital working out which bacteria or virus has caused an infection and Emma is a PhD student looking at whether someone with tuberculosis has developed mutations making them immune to treatment.

Much of the zone was on topic with students asking lots of thoughtful questions, and scientists providing detailed answers. There was a lower percentage of active students than in the other zones in this event, as some students were unable to take part due to the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland strike action at their schools during the first week of the event.

Posted on December 13, 2016 by modemily in 2016, WT, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Mutation Zone Report – November 2016